What Are The Stages Of Gum Disease?

Gum Disease

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is an infection of the gums and bones that surround and support the teeth. It’s a serious condition that can lead to tooth loss if not treated correctly. So, it’s important to understand what are the stages of gum disease so you can get the right treatment for your condition. In this article, we’ll explain the different stages of gum disease and how it is diagnosed.

Gum Disease

Gum disease is a condition that affects the gums, bone, and tissues that support your teeth. It’s caused by bacteria in plaque which builds up and hardens around the teeth. As the bacteria gradually spread, it can cause infection and can even lead to tooth loss. That’s why it’s so important to understand the stages of gum disease and how to get the right treatment for your condition.

Stage 1: Gingivitis

Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease. It’s caused by plaque buildup on your teeth that causes irritation and inflammation of the gums. Symptoms include red, swollen, and tender gums that may bleed easily when brushing or flossing your teeth.

Stage 2: Periodontitis

If left untreated, gingivitis can develop into periodontitis which is the more advanced stage of gum disease. At this stage, bacteria has spread beneath the gum line, leading to infection and chronic inflammation. Symptoms include receding gums, loose teeth, bad breath, and pain when chewing.

Stage 3: Advanced Periodontitis

If periodontitis is not treated properly, it can lead to advanced periodontitis. At this stage, bacteria has spread even further and has started to affect the bones and connective tissue that supports your teeth. Symptoms include severe pain, deep pockets between the gums and teeth, and gum recession.

Periodontic Treatment

Thankfully, there is treatment available for all stages of gum disease. The most common type of treatment is periodontic treatment which involves scaling and root planning to remove plaque and bacteria from the teeth and gums. Your periodontist can also perform additional treatments depending on your needs, such as gum grafts or laser therapy.


Gum disease is a serious condition that can lead to tooth loss if not treated properly. So, it’s important to understand the stages of gum disease and get the right treatment for your condition. If you think you may have any signs of gum disease, it’s important to see a periodontist as soon as possible. With proper diagnosis and treatment, you can protect your teeth from further damage and maintain good oral health.